ReferralTerms And Conditions

How to refer business:

1. Drop email at with your and your referee details.

2. We will contact you to complete the invitation.

3. Make arrangements of the meeting with the concerned person.

Once you've sent the business reference, the referred person will need to complete these steps before you receive the commission:

1. The eligible service is a contract of 12 or more months.

2. If the referred person is purchasing eligible and additional services, they must include the eligible services into their first purchase.

3. If the eligible services are in their second or further invoices, this person will not be counted as your referral and will not generate you any commission.

4. Pay their invoice monthly or yearly within 14 days of the generated invoice.

Please go through the terms and conditions before Accepting the offer

1. Eligibility: The Referral Program is open to individuals and entities who meet the eligibility criteria established by Explicit Thinking.

2. Qualifying Referrals: A qualifying referral is defined as a successful lead that results in a signed contract or agreement between the referred business and Explicit Thinking.

3. Commission Rates: Commission rates shall be 20% of the total value of the referred business's purchase contract of 12 months or longer.

4. Payment Terms: Commissions will be paid [monthly/quarterly/annually] via Bank Transfer. Payments will be processed within 10 days after receiving the payment from the referred business.

5. Exclusions: Commissions are not applicable to [specific products/services/conditions]. Explicit Thinking reserves the right to determine exclusions at its discretion.

6. Duration of Commissions: The referrer is entitled to receive commissions for a duration of 12 months from the commencement of the referred business's contract with Explicit Thinking.

7. Refund Policy: In the event of a refund or cancellation by the referred business, commissions paid for that specific referral may be subject to clawback.

8. Termination or Modification: Explicit Thinking reserves the right to terminate, modify, or suspend the Referral Program at any time with or without notice. Any changes will be communicated to participants.

9. Code of Conduct: Referrers agree to conduct themselves ethically, abide by all applicable laws and regulations, and avoid engaging in any activities that could harm Explicit Thinking's reputation.

10. Reporting and Tracking: - Referrers will be provided with access to a secure online portal to track the status of their referrals and view commission reports.

11. Dispute Resolution: - Any disputes related to commissions will be resolved through [arbitration/mediation/litigation] in accordance with the laws of jurisdiction and legislation where the Explicit Thinking entity servicing your Referral account is located.

12. Confidentiality: - Referrers agree to keep all customer information and business practices confidential and not disclose any sensitive information obtained through the Referral Program.

13. Independent Contractor Relationship: - Referrers acknowledge that they are independent contractors and not employees, agents, or representatives of Explicit Thinking.

14. Governing Law: - This agreement is governed by the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any legal actions arising from this agreement will be conducted in the [courts/arbitration] of jurisdiction and legislation where the Explicit Thinking entity servicing your Referral account is located.
By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to these terms and conditions*.

I agree to this terms and condition.